I am not able to appreciate the benefits of following different naming conventions for different projects in a same company. as far as functionality and performance of codes are concerned, it is not going to alter anything. so, sticking to one standard for naming will enhance more standarisation of code maintenance. when client buys a specific namespace from SAP then accordingily the naming can be changed while maintaining rest things intact. as for example, if a client wants that all custom developments shud start with 'PPP' initial then what one has to do is just add this initail 'PPP' to custom name using already fixed one naming convention.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
need for one standard for all SAP projects
Sunday, November 30, 2008
mumbai attack
i salute all brave soldiers who fought for our nation. it's you, guys who keep our spirit and pride high.
Monday, September 29, 2008
bomb blast
terrorists succeed in planting bombs and we keep cleaning bomb sites with tearful eyes. i am fed up with daily news of blasts and its aftermath or any consolatory statement of PM. i am interested in real actions like "how many those bastards have been gunned down by Indian police ". i am interested in whether our national stand on terrorism is as obvious as "if you dare to do it, we have enough bullets waiting for your head". i am interested in our government's attitude and confidence such as "our guns will negotiate with you". it's high time to take inspiration from China, Russia and USA. any threat to security, these countries talk more with their tanks. i don't want to live under the fear of being killed anywhere with no trace of my finding. today a perosn gets more calls from home not to go to malls or open markets. i personally avoid to come out of home if it is 15th august or 26th january or occasion of sensitive religious festivals. Thank God! these are national holidays otherwise casualities would be many fold. as a nation, first act of our boldness should be to make the number of all prison serving terrorists linked with bomb blasts to zero. we should be least interested in keeping 100 terrorists alive in prison rather than determined to bring in 200 more if they spoil our sound night sleep. because "no motherfucker can decide the fate of my life with press of one button."
Friday, September 19, 2008
re-invent post-office.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
search for a right match
this is not a story of mine but it is about my friend Nishant and his quest to find a perfect match for his marraige. just six months ago he decided to settle down and wished to have a happy marraige life with an extremely gorgeous gal of his age. he did lots of homework like 'which is the best matrimonial site which has genuine profiles as well as it has profiles which can match with his standard.', 'what's the charge for a matrimonial advertisement of specific number of words or specific space in an individual national newspaper for three editions.', 'What kind of proper words should be used to convey his precise set of parameters for his match'. the decision to marry at young age of 24 yrs (next month he would be 25 yrs old) is his self analysis to find real happiness in life. he explains to me...most of time we spend our precious time to find a girl friend which is basically below par of our status (in terms of IIT degree as well as income) that causes regret later on even if we get that kind of girl friend. where as gorgeous gals don't even think of us as we lack social contact with them to continue any kind of relationship which she deserves to have. what is the end result...we just end up spoiling our time for useless purpose like searching/watching a gal in forum mall or cursing almighty to be unfair with us. so, the best route for find a right gal for talented guys like us is arranged marraige. being 5'11" tall, slim, IIT educated guy, currently earning only 10 lacs per annum, he has firm belief to get proposal from only exceptionally fair gal from high profile family. with prospect of not losing any potential beauty queen, he relaxed his caste criteria for his match after having a long serious persuasive discussion with his mom. but what makes him sad after giving a 10K ad in newspaper and having a 5k profile at matrimonial site, he has received interests only from beautiful gals but not from single extremely beautiful gal. he is not able to understand why an average gal (she may be enough beautiful for others like me.) sends her profile inspite of he has clearly mentioned height:5'6", age:24 yrs or below and excellent look for his match. what he does is only three things...he reads her profile...he makes fun of her foolishness to get noticed by him...he deletes her mail. he has rejected 50 profiles ranging from an mba grad from top college to software professional earning equivalent salary at elite firms. his precise set of beauty parameters has amazed and little shocked his mom and sis. Once he had a fight with his sis when he said a gal 'average looking' who was 'extremely gorgeous' acording to his sis. rest family members as well as me have good fun time to discuss about his marraige plan and we are not sure to predict when this guy will finally find his right match. moral of story: if you are an extremely beautiful gal then watch out these guys.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
"Time to say Good Bye" mail
Sunday, August 17, 2008
few stupid HR ques.
every recruitment process has one last HR round to qualify. recruitee is sure of being asked same boring and crap questions to test so-called intregrity, trust and professionalism of candidate which basically tests nothing rather than it is a small feel-good chit-chat session with a candidate. what if one is disqualified based on it. blame guy or blame HR ?
Q. why do you want to join our company ? => does HR person want to listen manufactured good points about their company ? What does HR person expect from a candidate to say ? let suppose he is looking for change of job only for monetary increment then what's the problem HR person has got? to retain good employees or to absorb new employees, it is problem of company...it is not the responsibilty of an employee to stay inspite he deserves better.
Q. are you happy with your present work/company? => how it is going to matter whether a candidate is happy or unhappy with his company as long as he is proving his mantle or expertise in his area of work? why the hell anybody will say that he is unhappy with present company to invite more questions about his style of working rather he will choose to cut down next question by saying 'i am happy but i want to be happier if i join your firm.'
Q. if you get a better offer while working in our company, would you leave our company? => if anybody who is staying with a company inspite of getting better prospect from another company, is fool. i don't think anyone will use above line to reply to HR person to lose his prospect with certainity.
Q. why do you want to join software firm ? => why the hell, company is bothered for reasons behind a candidate's personal choice to work in his preferred industry ? what matters most is whether he is doing good.
Q. where do you see yourself in our company after five years ? => is a candidate going to stay for next 5 years on the basis of that he has made a statement like he would like to see himself as a manager ? does his answer worth anything good for a company ?
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
how guys start drinking!!!
i along with Vijay Gupta decided to try beer. we went silently to a beer shop beside known Punjabi Dhaba. took a kingfisher mild beer...wrapped in newspaper...put it in a black bag. we were back to room. we were not sure about how we should take it...neat or with water or with cold drink. point was...we didn't want to intoxicate ourselves. finally we decided to go for Spirit. drink composition was: one part of beer and two parts Spirit. i had three drinks but Gupta couldn't complete one because of some kind of intoxication started in his head. poor guy!!! :)
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
crazy gmail status message
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Be an Ass, Get a Lass!
so, "anyone who doesn't want an Ass ?"
Sunday, July 27, 2008
awesomeness on a Tshirt
t-shirt with a punch line is rage as they find it kool to grab some eyeballs. there is some subtle rules regarding what words should be written on t-shirt. if t-shirt has a line like 'I am a good boy.' people who see anyone wearing this t-shirt will think...he is some kind of jerk or classic idiot or mock him to death. if a line is ' I am a bad boy.' then it will have completely different impact...the same people will find him kool and full of attitude. point is...more bad is more good. designers have been more crazy when it comes to write words on female t-shirts. like 'what you are staring at ?', 'fresh milk', 'mango', 'twins', 'hold me', blah blah...i am running out of my database. punch-line with double meaning is more common but what hits harder is some Knockout lines like 'Talk is cheap until you hire a lawyer.', 'Save water. Bath together.', ’save water, drink neat’ with a whiskey bottle printed.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
arranged marriage
fork vs hand
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
bay of bengal
Shankarapur beach
other view of Shankarapur beach
the sad part of this tour is that these sea-beaches have no good many hotels and are not well connected to city. one night we had to survive on few eggs and samosa. it lacks facilities of some water sports, re-creational options and safety measures which we find at other places. Inspite of these places having good potential to be big attraction of tourism with strategy and investment, they are left as virgin spots. i promote these economically-unexplored places. who knows if it seeks attention of some genius entrepreneurs who take advantage of these places to make big business with less investment to provide goa-like experience. :)
sms marketing
few observations:
an actor pops up on zoom channel and asks the name of his yet-to-be-released movie.
options are:
a. De Taali
b. De Taali
c. De Taali
MTV India is hosting lots of reality shows now-a-days. During one such reality show "on the job", channel asks one simple question.
which one of following devices a photographer does work with ?
a. AK-47
b. AK-56
c. Camera
Channel 9XM is full of some strange questions like...it shows a pic of Amitabh Bachchan.
Question is " who is this actor ?".
a. Amitabh Bachchan
b. Sharukh Khan
all such questions have two common things.
first is...channel requests viewers to send sms with correct option on some four or five digits number. second is...you don't have to worry about the correct option of these questions. winners are supposed to get gold coins or dinner with star or some imaginary prizes.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
wine and cigaratte
Thursday, May 22, 2008
bathroom panic
Sunday, May 11, 2008
is it hypothesis of geometry or rigorously proved that the area of rectangle is 'length x breadth' and volume of cuboid is 'length x breadth x height' ??? they interpreted dimensional features of real world and devised these two most basic form of tools to explain geometrical meaning of shape and size. it seems to be surprisingly unbelievable, some smart thinkers gave solid reasons for foundation of these formulae to calculate area and volume many centuries ago, in spite our course books fail to provide the logics how did mathematicians derived them. any kind of regular or irregular two dimensional geometrical shape is summation of n number of rectangles. any three dimensional figure is composed of n number of small cuboids. we explain everything in terms of these formulae but one one asks to explain these formulae.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
a gal

one day you told me that you were seeing someone. i was shocked. yeah! our relationship is not made in heaven. but it was really cute as you let me know about your feelings and i saw pics of your boy. it's true i am not capable of doing something like veer-zara or you may not wish. in few years you would be married and busy with new life. let see how my life will take shape. in spite i would be in different world disconnected from you, your face won't fade away from my mind.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
prostitution is legalized in one country where as it is considered amoral and illegal in another country. as 10 yrs ago, kiss in public places was socially forbidden but today it is ok without any moral concern. same about pre-marriage sex. If the boundaries of morality is getting pushed day by day then what restricts us to embrace those things today like same sex relationship what we will accept after 20 yrs down the line ? what kinds of cultural, moral and social developments will take place which redefine the subject in different light ? things are justified purely based on personal freedom and liking. the human values, relationship and way of thinking are function of time and space. so the outcome of any human action would be wrong or right is true only for particular frame of time and space. how does GOD punish a person who did something when it was considered amoral but died after 30-40 yrs when it is socially accepted? similarly someone who is involved in legalized prostitution in Thailand but stays in India . so with change of time or space or both , so-called amoral actions become justified.
if you defeat law then you are a great guy.
we use terrorism in context of humane genocide by certain highly motivated groups for their own selfish motives which are against national interests. Take one example of Nepal maoist leader Mr. Prachanda. he masterminded several mass killings. he was declared state-terrorist by Nepal king. he would be shot down or possibly hanged to death if he ever caught. but with rise of power and popularity of Mr. Prachanda and at the same time decline in power of King, he would become prime minister of democratic Nepal in forth coming election. then his all past actions would be perceived worldwide as freedom fightings. Let see if LTTE cheif Prabhakaran dies as terrorist or as father of nation. have a look at Indian and Pakistani political industries. most powerful and legally respected men are legally not-proved tainted accused. highly appreciated villain characters in hollywood flicks are never nabbed by police. watch Basic Instinct, Sword fish, wild things and even hindi movie Dhoom-2.
rich men die in good shape.
it's common philosophy, if you do something bad then you have to suffer in your life for your bad actions. does it really hold ? i have seen many people dying miserably due to lack of wealth. it doesn't matters whether he did something great or bad. in most cases, what matters...does he/she have enough money to die comfortably? What is fault of people who are born in poor African nations or Afghanistan who are killed by local militants anytime for their no fault ? if GOD saves innocent people then when there is tsunami or volcano eruption or bomb blast then only bad persons should have died. does it happen even one out of a million cases ?
Monday, April 21, 2008
this arrticle is meant to acknowledge the importance of such babes who are in bitch category or preparing hard to get into. we are here to watch out for you. u r better than rest. hats off!
Sunday, April 20, 2008
why IT industries are under crunch ?
It has got one simple answer: Overall Clients still find cheap to outsource. So, for IT companies, extra employees are profitable in terms of payments they receive from clients.
How a company can accommodate 10,000 new employees per year where markets are getting saturated ? Everything has got limit.
One day we find breaking news: IT industries are deep in financial crunch. slight decrease in Dollar value stirred entire IT industries. Hundreds of employees got fired on the basis of shrewed and tricky test exams to cut down the cost. Top managements are deeply concerned about future profits. today this dollar devaluation reduced bench strength in a company to almost zero. it is good for industries to restructure themselve to improve efficiency.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
male behaviour survey ?
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Freakonomics: Book Review

1. Does having a lot of books in your home lead your child to do well in school ?
2. Does a child with a lot of books in his home tend to do better than a child with no books ?
The author mentions that simply measuring children with a lot of books against children with no books as in question 1, the answer may not be meaningful. Perhaps the number of books in a child's home merely indicates how much money his parents make. What we really want to do is measure two children who are alike in in every way except one as in question 2 - in this case, the number of books in his home - and see if that one factor makes a difference in his school performance. That's why it is said - To ask an intelligent question is more difficult than to answer same. The book entices readers to think and question the way we accept our normal life. As this book offers explanations for why certain things went wrong or right but it lacks to provide the ways to improve situations if it goes wrong. I have few questions about the author's findings I wish the author would have explained in this book.
2. The author finds that capital punishment is not deterrent to hard core criminals then how to devise an unique system to deter criminal.