Sunday, July 27, 2008

awesomeness on a Tshirt

last night i was at Patna junction waiting for Gareeb Rath, i saw a guy wearing a t-shirt with a line 'I go to gym everyday.'. when i re-looked at his size, he was just 180 kg with funny fat belly!!! i guess.
t-shirt with a punch line is rage as they find it kool to grab some eyeballs. there is some subtle rules regarding what words should be written on t-shirt. if t-shirt has a line like 'I am a good boy.' people who see anyone wearing this t-shirt will think...he is some kind of jerk or classic idiot or mock him to death. if a line is ' I am a bad boy.' then it will have completely different impact...the same people will find him kool and full of attitude. point is...more bad is more good. designers have been more crazy when it comes to write words on female t-shirts. like 'what you are staring at ?', 'fresh milk', 'mango', 'twins', 'hold me', blah blah...i am running out of my database. punch-line with double meaning is more common but what hits harder is some Knockout lines like 'Talk is cheap until you hire a lawyer.', 'Save water. Bath together.', ’save water, drink neat’ with a whiskey bottle printed.

i found this one priceless. t-shirt having printed words like 'road to heaven' with a bold arrow pointing downward.


Goyal said...

Good Observation Ritesh.
Thats true that good liner has no meaning and it will not attract people.
one of such observation is now people are prefeering PJ over good jokes. Its Generation-X ritesh.

sudeshnadas said...

Very keen observation and detailed post-mortem. U have makes of a good manager Ritz!

Unknown said...

So u have done research on it, esp what written on girls T-shirt.have same cent on the issue....Eye-catching things should have "demanding" lines scribbles on it.Good Work Ritz!

Ritesh Saurabh said...

thank you.:)